slideshare SlideShare 是一個 幻燈片 和 文件 分享網站,用戶可以上傳自己的檔案並展示出來。 想找到投影片設計的靈感的話,試試看『 SlideShare 』吧!在這裡可以常常看別人的作品來激發自己的想像力和靈感,如果還不認識「 SlideShare 」,簡單幫大家介紹一下,它可是被稱為是 PPT 界的「 YouTube 」!會這樣說的原因是因為 YouTube 可以上傳影片、動畫,提供給網友們觀賞; SlideShare 則是可以上傳自己製作的投影片給大家欣賞!ヾ (´ ▽` *;) ゝ " 接下來 Lala 要教大家如何使用『 SlideShare 』囉! First, go to the "SlideShare" website, after entering the homepage, click on the registration at the top right (Sign up) 首先進到『 SlideShare 』的網站,進入首頁之後,點選右上方的註冊( Signup ) After registering successfully, you can refer to your slides. In addition to various categories, you can also use the search function, so you can find the slides you are interested in faster. 註冊成功之後,可以參考大家的投影片,除了有各種類別可以選擇,也可以使用搜尋功能,這樣就可以更快找到自己有興趣的投影片 Next, how to share your own briefings. The steps are very simple. There is an orange "Upload" button at the top right of the homepage. Click on it to use "Upload" to select the slide you want to upload. Remember to choose ...