他的插畫說你的故事 — 用 Storybird 創作視覺故事
如果你是喜歡說故事,卻不善於繪畫與設計的人,那你真的該看看這個服務!Storybird 串連起插畫家社群,讓無盡想像的插畫為你所用,說出你自己的故事。一起來看看 Storybird 怎麼做到這件事吧!
Storybird本身是一個說書人、閱讀人跟插畫人的串連平台,透過匯集大量的插畫人作品,已讓全世界的說書人創作超過 500 萬篇故事,再讓閱讀人可以從中挑選自己喜愛的作品,線上閱覽、印製成冊或產生畫框、週邊產品等等。
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3. 建立一個自己的 storybird
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4.Finish off the long form book.
製作完成之後,我們可以存檔關閉,也可以選擇發表我們的作品。發表作品需要填入額外的詳細資訊,包括作品類別、關鍵字、適合年齡等等資訊,並且送給 Storybird 做審查:After creating your first chapter of your book you'll need to fill in a form before publishing it. The first thing you'll need to do is decide what type of page/chapter is it. It can be a single-page story
製作完成之後,我們可以存檔關閉,也可以選擇發表我們的作品。發表作品需要填入額外的詳細資訊,包括作品類別、關鍵字、適合年齡等等資訊,並且送給 Storybird 做審查:After creating your first chapter of your book you'll need to fill in a form before publishing it. The first thing you'll need to do is decide what type of page/chapter is it. It can be a single-page story
5.Submit the book into moderation.
審查時間不定,從線上作品量的規模來看,想必會等上好一陣子吧。 Storybird 的 FAQ 中即有提到審查時程,如果成為付費會員可以加快審查速度。即便尚未審查完成,我們的作品也可以在線上閱覽了Moderation is where your book has to get checked over by an admin to see whether the age group is correct, whether the book has swearing in it, etc. Submitting to moderation can take months so be patient! Meanwhile you can create more chapters or more books.
最後,無論是單張的插畫作品或是製作完成的圖文書,我們都可以分享給朋友,也可以讓其它人線上購買。Storybird 提供印刷品製作服務,包括、框畫、卡片、精裝及平裝故事本,也提供電子書或自行列印裝訂的下載格式,甚至連手機殼都接受訂購。如果你有一個好故事,不妨也把他做成一本故事書來販賣吧!
my storybird
The Storybird introduced this time skipped the paradigm of data visualization and entered the field of image and narrative; however, the narrative is still a very important part in the process of visualization; the story tells the story, the same picture is different. The hand of the storyteller can also have an ever-changing explanation.
Data often gives a very blunt feeling. However, while using charts and interactive web pages to represent data, we can also use graphic and collocation to express more conceptual ideas; use Storybird without technology and partners. It allows us to make a finished product very quickly, just like the visual color application drawing instrument we made earlier. If you have such a demand next time, don't forget to consider using Storybird.
The Storybird introduced this time skipped the paradigm of data visualization and entered the field of image and narrative; however, the narrative is still a very important part in the process of visualization; the story tells the story, the same picture is different. The hand of the storyteller can also have an ever-changing explanation.
Data often gives a very blunt feeling. However, while using charts and interactive web pages to represent data, we can also use graphic and collocation to express more conceptual ideas; use Storybird without technology and partners. It allows us to make a finished product very quickly, just like the visual color application drawing instrument we made earlier. If you have such a demand next time, don't forget to consider using Storybird.