

Duolinguo(多鄰國),由兩位創辦人Severin Hacker和Luis von Ahn所打造。2014年正式擁有中文名字為多鄰國,意為「與世界為鄰,習世界之語」。





Duolingo is very good at teaching foreign languages.
They recently updated it so each “Skill” you learn has gone from about 6 lessons to about 40, split into 5 stages, you can move after having done just 1 stage. If you like a skill you can always go back and do more stages. Each stage teaches you more advanced methods then the next.
They also have a very good practice feature, where by clicking the practice button it goes over skills it detects you are not as good at or haven’t done in while.
On the app there is a chatbot feature where you can practice your Spanish skills by playing out realistic conversations.
It also helps with your pronunciation and listening skills by playing a phrase to you in the language you are learning then getting you to repeat or translate it.
