- 今天要介紹的是一款完全免費的 3D 動畫故事製作軟體:「 Toontastic 3D 」,由 Google 推出,目前有 Android 與 iOS App 版本。
- Google 的「 Toontastic 3D 」訴求是讓小朋友也能輕鬆地把自己的想像,製作成有趣且精彩的 3D 卡通動畫,整個製作過程非常直覺,甚至就像小孩平常用玩具玩辦家家酒或角色扮演,所以小朋友也能上手,體驗一下當導演的樂趣。.
1. Download Google Toontastic 3D on your mobile phone or tablet, and you can create an animated story for free.
在你的手機、平板下載 Google Toontastic 3D ,完全免費就能製作出一幕一幕的動畫故事,而且還提供匯出影片等功能
2. Google Toontastic 3D presets several episodes so that children can apply directly from the beginning.
Google Toontastic 3D 會預設幾種情節模式,讓小朋友一開始可以直接套用。
3. Like the basic short story have three screen in the episode, it divided into beginning, middle, end part.
4. pick a setting and the characters that you want
5. you can also changed the character's clothes color
6. or you can draw the characters by yourself.
更熟練的孩子,甚至也可以利用 Google Toontastic 3D 畫出自己的故事場景和人物
7. after finish the record of your story, you can choose the background music
why not create your own story by yourself either.
in addition, this video is the Toontastic made by my parter and I